“Timber Rock Doodles Tabby” was born in November 2020 to our Macy! She is a Multi-Gen Goldendoodle, and she weighs 34 lbs. She is super sweet, very playful with a wonderful temperament! Tabby has a cream/apricot wavy coat. She is very smart and looks so much like her Mama! We are looking forward to more of Tabby’s puppies!
Tabby has been thoroughly tested with OFA and for the following genetic disorders.
- OFA-Hips – Good
- OFA-Elbows – Normal
- OFA-Patellas – Normal
- OFA-CERF-Normal
- OFA-Heart – Normal
- Degenerative Myelopathy-Clear
- GR PRA 1-Clear
- GR PRA 2-Clear
- Ichthyosis-Clear
- Muscular Dystrophy-Clear
- NEwS-Clear
- PRCD-PRA – Clear
- Von Willebrand’s-Clear